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9 Highly Efficient Social Media Marketing Tools You Should Use in 2021-22!

Social Media Marketing Tools | Groability

Social media marketing has grown exponentially in recent times. With more than a whopping 4.48 billion social media users worldwide today, if you aren’t making the most out of social media yet, you could be missing out on opportunities a lot more than you realize! Social media today has a wider outreach, existing consumer base, and exemplary features that help you reach your target audience.

Table of Contents (Quick Links):

# Top 10 benefits of using social media marketing tools for your business
# So, how do you make the best use of social media?

Here are the 9 essential Social Media Marketing tools for your business!

  1. Buffer
  2. Hootsuite
  3. Stiddle
  4. AdRoll
  5. Madgixc
  6. AdEspresso
  7. Sprout Social
  8. Zapier
  9. Tailwind
# Bottom Line

10 benefits of using social media marketing tools for your business:

  • Helps in creating widespread online brand awareness
  • Helpful insights that let you optimize campaigns for better results
  • Are very cost-effective and feasible
  • Real-time marketplace insights to help you understand what your ideal customer wants/is looking for online
  • Better lead conversion with analytics insights
  • Increase your brand’s online authority and add to your credibility
  • One platform to manage, optimize and deliver results that your customers want
  • Get online behavioral data and know-how to present your brand better
  • Increase brand marketing with remarketing and re-engaging
  • Connect with your online audience

So, how do you make the best use of social media?

With the right social media marketing tool, of course! There are a plethora of amazing social media tools for marketing available that you should use to make an impactful online presence for your business or brand.

So if you have been searching for the best social media marketing tool, social media marketing tools for small businesses, or social media marketing tools for agencies, hold tight and keep reading!

This blog lists 9 essential social media marketing tools that grab eyeballs for your business!

Ready? Let’s go!

Social media engagement is crucial for businesses online. As much as it is important to be active on your social media channels, posting your content at the right time when your ideal customer is browsing is incredibly important to draw engagement. Buffer is a powerful social media marketing tool that lets you schedule posts across various platforms including Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Twitter. With Buffer’s performance reports and agile monitoring functions, be at the top when it comes to grabbing attention online!

Video Source: Buffer

Features of Buffer You Shouldn’t Miss Out On!
    • Sections within the app that allows you to focus on publishing, understanding analytics, and draw online engagements
    • The queue system allows you to schedule a good number of posts at once
    • Alternatively, you can still schedule one post at a time
    • You can customize your posts for each platform!
    • Buffer is available as a browser extension (Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and Safari)
    • Buffer analytics promises to give an insight on how your posts are engaging with your audience and where there’s scope for improvement
    • Know what type of content is performing well and which day is best to post certain types of content
    • Hashtag performance
Why do you need Buffer?

Being punctual on social media can be incredibly beneficial for your online business especially if social media marketing is your top priority. Buffer offers the convenience of scheduling your posts in advance, at a time when your target audience is active on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitter. With reports that are super concise and data-driven, you can improve the quality of your posts without having to spend too much time understanding if things would work out or not. Buffer is another amazing social media marketing tool for small businesses and for agencies.

With over 18 million users, Hootsuite offers smooth and easy-to-use social media managing features. Hootsuite is your digital social media manager that helps in creating engaging and jaw-dropping content and schedule them for later. Furthermore, the platform also helps in measuring return on investment. With diver subscription plans, this tool puts an end to your “social media marketing tools for small business” and “social media marketing tools for agencies” searches.

Video Source: Hootsuite

Features of Hootsuite You Shouldn’t Miss Out On!
    • Social media post scheduling so you don’t have to login into your social media accounts to make a single post
    • Monitor your handle/channel’s performance in terms of shares, likes, and other engagement metrics
    • Analytics that tell you where you are shining and highlights your scope for improvement
    • Feasibility for teamwork and collaboration to address every query at hand
    • App extensions options are available
Why do you need Hootsuite?

Hootsuite is immensely helpful if you are looking for a social media marketing tool that can help you schedule your posts and create a collaborative workspace environment. With a wide range of service packages available, this can be the best tool to help your business have a massive online presence.

Stiddle is a social media advertising automation tool that helps in creating and optimizing Facebook and Instagram Ads and the entire funnel. Stiddle’s AI-targeting is immensely helpful in creating and targeting any Facebook ad campaign. Additionally, Stiddle’s AI-audiences (a whopping 50k+) lets your Facebook ads reach your target audience like a breeze! Stiddle also offers Canva integration, making designing ad graphics easier and hassle-free. This social media marketing tool lets you design a lead-generating landing page without even having to step out of the tool!

Video Source: Stiddle

Features of Stiddle You Shouldn’t Miss Out On!
    • Comprehensive and insightful analytics
    • Highly customizable dashboard and a plethora of metrics – this way you know how your campaigns are performing in real time
    • Auto budget allocation that prioritizes performing ads and stops the ones that aren’t. The best part? It’s just a one-click feature!
Why do you need Stiddle?

Aside from its flagship auto budget allocation, this social media marketing tool lists the exact CPA, ROI, and ROAS after collecting leads through their native landing page forms. Stiddle has the convenience of e-scheduler integrations (by using their native integration with Shopify and MailChimp). Stiddle also has many great free resources, including marketing blogs, ebooks, and community marketing discussion groups so you never have to look out the window to plan your Facebook ad campaigns!

What is AdRoll?

The AdRoll e-commerce marketing presents an excellent means to help D2C brands produce customized, holistic and impactful experiences that directly lead to long-term and productive business relationships with customers. We possess a highly efficient machine learning engine that is capable of successfully executing nearly a trillion decisions each and every day. This way, you lay your entire focus on crafting innovative strategies that result in your growth and success.

This social media marketing platform merges your customer data with ours and gives you a complete and detailed picture of every customer’s online trends and preferences.

Ultimately, it’s worth noting that AdRoll has been a powerful and omnipresent performance marketing platform that has come a long way in the course of the last decade through the usage of the leading advertiser data co-op out there. This benefits marketers tremendously as they can have a wider reach and correspondence with their target audience.

Video Source: AdRoll

Features of AdRoll You Shouldn’t Miss Out On!
    • Has feature that allows in-app retargeting with personalized ads
    • You can retarget your ideal customers via emails
    • Has a diverse database that helps in reaching out to potential consumers across platforms
    • Predictive buying feature and customer segmentation for a better reach
Why do you need AdRoll?

AdRoll is a social media marketing tool that helps your business reach its ideal customer base and make them buy your services or products by using its existing advertiser data.

Furthermore, by using AdRoll’s super-effective products, marketers can help their audience make a purchase, resulting in a happy customer base.

What is Madgixc?

Artificial intelligence is gaining momentum everywhere and digital marketing is no exception. Madgixc is a flagship AI-powered multifaceted platform that is directed towards sales and focuses on delivering an unmatched customer service. Regarded as highly intelligent and amongst the best tools for social media marketing, Madgixc makes managing ads and optimization a cakewalk using the benefits of AI. Be it Facebook, Instagram, or Google ads, Madgixc helps cost-efficient optimizations for real results!

Video Source: Madgixc

Features of Madgixc You Shouldn’t Miss Out On!
    • Precise and actionable marketing analytics
    • Cost-efficient content management system so you know what works and what needs to improve
    • Creative, AI-powered marketing automation for a better return on investment
    • Real-time campaign management, channel analytics, and campaign segmentation so you are where your target audience is
    • Track return on investment and get insights on how to increase your ad quality
    • Predictive analytics that helps in planning your campaign’s performance
    • Track how your campaigns are retaining eyeballs and plan your campaigns accordingly
    • Manage campaigns easily across platforms including Facebook, Instagram, and Google
Why do you need Madgicx?

Artificial intelligence is popularly stated to be tomorrow’s power available today. While it can be tedious to spend hours on the screen understanding analytics, planning a content management system, and where you are losing revenue, Madgicx is an oasis that uses AI to ensure that your campaigns are on track and generating revenue.

With reports on revenue, analytics, and accurate campaign segmentation, spend less time understanding numbers and more time doing what you do best. This is an excellent social media marketing tool for small businesses that are looking for a productive and efficient switch.

What is Adespresso?

Adespresso is a social media marketing tool that efficiently supports creating, managing, and split testing of Facebook, Instagram and Google ad campaigns. With Adespresso, A/B testing is incredibly easy and you can even know what works the best for your campaigns by testing how your ad’s headlines, images or even target audience sets will perform. Additionally, this social media tool for marketing even stores your headlines, images, target audience set, and other preferences to make creating campaigns an effortless process!

Video Source: AdEspresso

Features of Adespresso You Shouldn’t Miss Out On!
    • One-stop destination for managing all your Facebook, Instagram, and Google ads (no more switching between tabs!)
    • Super user-friendly interface that makes using Adespresso a breeze
    • Hassle-free A/B testing that lets you know where to improve
    • Crisp, precise, and actionable analytics that focus on improvements (no trial and error)
    • Takes lesser time to create ad campaigns
    • You can focus on generating a cool return on investment
    • Handy and lets you collaborate with others easily
    • Automate your ad campaign reporting, audience creation, and even optimization!
Why do you need Adespresso?

Adespresso offers incredible features including grid compose (lets you create dozens of campaigns for a wide range of locations at once), create and split your ads campaigns across Facebook, Instagram, and Google worry-free, boost your posts effortlessly, in-depth analysis of how your ads are performing, and dynamic ads feature that lets you target an audience without spending hours hustling through settings.

If you are looking for a social media marketing tool that saves time, effort, and yields results, Adespresso can be incredibly helpful. Try it!

Sprout Social is a social media management platform that lets you optimize all social media postings, create detailed and insightful analytics reports and bring engagement on all your target platforms.

Video Source: Sprout Social

Features of Sprout Social You Shouldn’t Miss Out On!
    • Extensive range of social management features including social media analytics and campaign optimizations
    • Know your engagement online in few simple clicks
    • Detailed and insightful reports so you know where you are hitting the bull’s eye and scope for improvement
    • Competitor analysis and audience analysis
    • Identifying influencers and open scope for potential brand collaborations
Why do you need Sprout Social?

Social Sprout is a tailor-made social media marketing tool for small business(es). It offers the benefits of content and campaign optimization, delivers detailed analytics for your growth, and helps with in-depth competitor analysis and audience analysis. If you are looking to grow your business through social media marketing, this tool is an excellent addition to have.

Automation is today’s reality. With workspaces getting busier with each passing day, being able to follow a workflow can get difficult. Zapier is a social media marketing tool that automates everyday repeating tasks so you can focus on the other important tasks. The automation can move across two or more applications without any requirement for authentication. Zapier is the best social media marketing tool you can use to free up time!

Zapier works by following: if this happens, then this has to follow. By virtue of this simple logic, the social media tool can tell other applications to execute a particular task without you having to interfere.

Video Source: Zapier

Features of Zapier You Shouldn’t Miss Out On!
    • Helps in planning and designing a flow
    • Has ample pre-built connectors and custom connectors, so you won’t have to get into core set-up
    • Impeccable monitoring and notifications system
    • Smooth data mapping and data transformation
    • Encrypted data and high standard security standards alongside agile communication protocols
    • Vast integration options and file transfer & management features
Why do you need Zapier?

Zapier works with you and your team seamlessly. It takes up tasks and performs them automatically without the need for constant checks. The automation is simple to set up and easier to trigger.

Tailwind helps schedule your posts for the visual discovery search engine Pinterest. Tailwind can be used to schedule posts for Instagram as well but it is a more popular and leading choice for people who are looking to grow on Pinterest. This social media marketing tool is immensely helpful for small businesses.

With Tailwind, you can create pins faster, post at times when your target audience is active, discover quality content, and measure your Pinterest growth.

Video Source: Tailwind

Features of Tailwind You Shouldn’t Miss Out On!
    • Faster and quality image uploads
    • Analytics on how your posts are performing
    • Expand your reach to a larger audience
    • Schedule posts easily
    • Evaluate and optimize posts for increased performance
    • User-friendly
Why do you need Tailwind?

Being able to schedule your posts in advance can save the time involved in logging in over and over again. Additionally, the social media marketing tool gives reports on how your pins are performing and where there’s a need for optimization. Ideal for bloggers, small businesses, and individuals managing their Pinterest, Tailwind blends into your content management plans and delivers results effortlessly.

Bottom Line:

Being able to find the best social media marketing tool for your needs is instrumental for the success of your business. This blog gives you a full-fledged idea about the most practical and efficient social media marketing tools that will elevate your online presence, drive revenue and turn your business into a leading internet giant!

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